We offer a comprehensive curriculum supported by highly qualified educators that puts a focus on social-emotional development. See our education section for more details.
Fees are inclusive of all nutritional meals. Our children receive breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and evening snack.
A parent app is available through our partnership with HubHello. Parents enjoy the benefit of receiving real time access to important information about their child.
Our children aged 4 – 5 enjoy the benefit of a school readiness and preschool program that builds their confidence and skills to get ready for primary school.
We offer a variety of extra curriculum opportunities to support our children such as excursions, incursions, community linked events, sporting events and more.
Parents enjoy the benefit of access to our latest informational resources within the early childhood sector.
The rates shown below are full fees. Please contact Services Australia for assistance with Child Care Subsidy inquiries. Feel free to contact our service for an estimate of GAP fees.
Limited Vacancies Available. Contact our team at christianelizabethelc@outlook.com, Mob: 0466617774, Ph: 02 9826 7338. Please call to book in a tour.